I am healing myself of past pains, to create the ability to be here and now. I will collect my soul from past trauma and incorporate back into one whole being. I will continue to love, live, explore, create, and play this year. I will continue to consciously evolve. I WILL CONTINUE TO PLAY, PLAY, PLAY, PLAY AND I HAVE FREED MY MIND TO BECOME THE SNAIL HUNTER AGAIN, AND IT IS NOT YET 6/23/15


"MY MANY TEACHERS OF LIFE" LOVE AND GRATITUDE TOWARDS EACH OF YOU = Sonja, Nestor, Paul Chek, Vidya, Megan, Karen, JP Sears, Weston A. Price, Osho, SN Goenka, Rumi, Rudolf Steiner, Grandmaster Fu Wei Zhong, Buddha, Fong Ha and the Universal Chi/Wuji. THE NEWLY RECOGNIZED TEACHER =

ALL. I interact with so many on a daily basis and each interaction presents the moment for self-observation. The gift of observing my projections, judgments, fear, shame, guilt, anger, triggers, and the gift to truly see what it is about myself that I hide in "others". I am eternally grateful to be soul experiencing humanness

I am eternally grateful to the Universe, Mother Earth, and Source. I am eternally grateful for every single moment and every single experience in each moment. I continue to step on my path. Unconditional LOVe to all sentient beings seen and unseen heard and unheard.


All nourishment = Organic/Bio-dynamic/Pasture Raised. Continual Rotation Diet based on dynamic metabolic typing and listening to my soul. Supplements = Standard Process (muscle tested every 3-4 weeks by Kanako Kobayashi NC (contact@feedingwellness.com) for a continually deeper protocol to help me balance physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. Highvitamen butter oil/fermented cod liver oil www.greenpastures.com Gut health pre/pro-biotics www.interplexus.com Systemic enzymes http://www.worldnutrition.info/vitalzym (which metabolize scar tissue) and I usually do deep cleanse once a year www.allnaturalcleanse.com = 60 day parasite/detox

Thursday, December 31, 2009

Lucky 13

the end of 2009. 2010 holds amazing change for me. amazing. short and sweet today.

to bed last night 900pm
up this morning 530am

hockey today 1215-145 so nice to be back on the ice
work in 645 chi-cultivation, zone 3,6,7

chicken paprikash and sweet potato for all meals today 8am, 11am, 3pm
kombucha at 630pm

be well, be safe, enjoy the ride

jator 11/ shadow 2


no coffee
no dairy (only morning protein whey when needed)
eat like a cave man (but listen to body if i feel less than 100%)
get 9.5 hours sleep per night during winter
and of course continue the pursuit of my DREAMS above
from this point on if i have coffee or dairy or sugar i will give shadow self the point.
the above will be followed until May 1st

Wednesday, December 30, 2009


ah. today was fantastic. i woke up this morning and envisioned my day.. and many things came to pass that i wanted too.. building thoses neurons of belief, and destroying the old ways. completed thru half way thru lesson five self assessment, chi before bed tonight, and had a freaking kick ass work out today! hockey tomorrow, and cant wait, its been three weeks off.

to bed last night 9pm
up this morning 445am

breakfast at 8am pork chops/coconut oil/raw butter
snack 11am same as above
lunch 3pm pork chops/raw butter/coconut oil soaked and sprouted walnuts
dinner 5pm pork chops/raw butter/coconut oil/a lil bit of sweet potato from www.threestonehearth.com WOW.. fantastic and beef broth mixed in!

work out today was at 1130am
kick ass power endurance workout for hockey
developmental stretches

also, i have never felt artistic. in fact my pops is a freakin very good artist and i have never felt i have any skillz, but today i started to believe that i may (trying to break old beliefs and build new ones) so i did my second piece today, i will put it up under dreams for a while. "i am" the middle represents me, the colors above represent fire of life, the green below represent the earth, the blue represents the water, and the purple represents air, I AM of all these elements, i am you, i am everything, i am nothing.

jator 10/ shadow 2
Posted by Nestor Gonzalez at 6:30 PM 0 comments
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Tuesday, December 29, 2009


ahh.. today was totally off.. slept in.. cultivated some chi.. went to temple cafe for some fantastic coffee and pps work.. watched avatar in 3D and chilled.. very nice day off.. the movie avatar was really good, so many common threads to todays society.. really made me think of weston a price and his adventures with the native people, and how the "white man" has completed destroyed what was once sacred and pure, i am included in the "white man" but i am trying to do my best to bring love, peace, harmony, and connection with spirit back. constant battle my friends. constant.

to bed last night 1030pm
up this morning 745am

chi cultivation (2) 750am

food for today
830 raw cream/coffee
1015am jambalaya pork sausage/ chicken/ shrimp/tomato/coconut oil
100pm two eggs (during movie)
3oopm jambalaya
600pm curry pork chop, with onion
645pm kombucha
700pm licorice/pepermint tea

completed self-assessment of lesson 2 and almost thru 3, will continue tomorrow. i thought of a new years resolution, i will keep coffee and raw cream to once per month, i am starting to feel addicted again and need to break that habit.

jator 9/ shadow 2

Monday, December 28, 2009


wow.. ten days in.. so far so good, this has really helped me stay on track, so thank you all.. and thank you to the universal wuji.

by the way, if any of you have not watched the special quantum edition of "what the bleep" you really should check this out.. amazing.. amazing..

to bed last night 8pm
up this morning 5am

chi-cultivation day 1
self talk to younger hurt Jator's day 1
i will restart these days if i miss 1 day.

food for day 10
8am steak/coconut oil/raw butter/ califlower
11am same as above
130pm steak/coconut oil
300pm 4 eggs coconut oil
620pm homemade jambalaya

i will do my chi and stretches before bed tonight, i will complete lesson 2 pps self assessment tomorrow and get lesson 3 started. looking forward to my dreams tonight. they have been speaking to me.

jator 8/ shadow 2

Sunday, December 27, 2009

day 9

greetings all. today was another recovery day. seems like thurs night hit me again today.. anytime i drink a few days later i get feelings of depression.. freakin alcohol.. so i worked on programs today, and just relaxed at home. going to bed early tonight, and a totally new beginning tomorrow.

to bed last night 1030pm
wake up this mornig 500am

Coffee raw cream at 7am
800am bacon and eggs/with broccoli/onions and rawbutter/coconut oil
(felt horrible after this meal, was full for hours and mood was not good, proccessed meat seems to disagree with me, no matter the quality)
200pm kombucha (ginger) to help with my digestion and mood WORKED ; )
300pm pork chop, mixed greens, raw butter, coconut oil
630pm steak, raw cheese, coconut oil, califlower

tomorrow is fully back on track, i will start my daily chi-cultivation, zone exercise, and pps. its actually nice to have this written down, for the next time i am tempted by my shadow self to give in and have JUST ONE DRINK.. new day tomorrow, new beginning.

jator 7/ shadow 2

Saturday, December 26, 2009

day 8

ahhhh.. back to myself today.. hungover/depressed yesterday.. and my brain was mush.. such a differnt feeling than normal. during the process over the last 7 or so years i feel so good everyday, that a little bit of drink or eating out of my norm really reminds me of why i am extreme. 80/20 does not work for me, i feel best at 99/1. this path is not for everyone, but i have to be true to myself and my vaules. so we will not see the shadow for quite awhile.

to bed last night 1030pm
up this morn 730am (slept like a champ!)

food for today (hunger not fully back yet)
900am protein powder (just in case
any of you are looking for a very high quality whey protein www.nutriharmony.com/bewell, this stuff is fantastic and the vitality is off the charts when tested with dowsing)
1100 protein powder
1:00pm chicken and kale with olive oil and garlic
had a coffee late today 230pm or so going out tonight so need to stay awake, so used to being in bed by 8-9 ; )
300pm chicken in coconut oil
i am going to start including my oils with meals for you guys.. I EAT A TON OF FAT.. my ratios daily are close to 50%fat 40%protein 10% carbs
500pm egg or two
800pm chicken soup and hamony, with hot sauce
Workout today
900am had a hard hockey endurance workout today, felt great to sweat out the alcohol and toxins from christmas eve.
will start my gong again today before bed, including a check in with my young self, it takes continually work to move past these deep rooted issues, i am working hard. pps self-assessment lesson 2 tomorrow.
love and chi ya'll
jator 6/ shadow 2

Friday, December 25, 2009

day 7

merry merry.. today is short and sweet, just really recovering from last night ; )

to sleep last night 10pm
up this morning 8am

130pm coffee and coconut milk
300pm pork chops/kobocha squash/red cabbage
530pm same as above

no workouts or workins today, just recovering

back to business tomorrow
jator 5 shadow 2

Day 6 continued

hummmmm.. how do i say this.. the S#$T hit the fan last night.

i was hanging out with family and had a glass of wine, which then led to some strange coffee drink, which then led to shots of tequila/squirt, which led to some strange tequila rose drink, which led to eating fantastic raw granola, which led to some cheese, and finally led to me having gorrillas trying to get out of my head this morning (migraine headache) and throwing up multiply times. i almost never drink but when i do i pay the price dearly.. so i will repost later about today, but there wont be much.. i feel like hell.. and look like death..

jator 5/shadow self 1

Thursday, December 24, 2009

day 6

short and sweet today and tomorrow.. enjoy your holiday

to bed last night 8pm
woke up this morning 5am

530am pork chop
900am pork chop
12oopm pork chop ; )
3oopm pork chop/coconut milk/onions/spinach
600pm pork chorizo/3eggs/onions/ spinach

easy work out today at the gym.

work in = chi cultivation 20minutes

really wanted some wine tonight or some tequila.. but none of it was organic so i passed.. maybe tomorrow.. egg nog and rum anyone?

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

damn day 5

well.. i got what i asked for.. todays work out got me very close to chucking in the garbage.. also, started the pps self assessment today, completed lesson 1, i will do 1 self assessment lesson per day (12) then start the real deal lesson 1. also, hung out with pops while we were both working on our pps stuff VERY COOL.. also drew my first mandala today.
to bed last night 830pm
wake this morning 500am
workout 11am (from this point on if exercises have no space between them it means they were in a circuit format)
pre-exercise stretch
1.kneeling sb woodchop 15reps eachside/ med-fast tempo/ 1 1/2minute rest after full cir
2.k-bell cross body swing single arm 12 eachside/fast
3.k-bell sagital plane swing single arm 15each side/ fast
4.k-bell power clean 12/ fast

5. inverted k-bell single arm overhead press 12ea/202temp/
6. split squat single arm cable pull 12ea/101
7. sb single arm chest press w/twist 12ea/ fast

8. sb contralateral crawl (do not try these at home kids ; ) max reps/contol temp 1rest

9. developmental stretches

after i was done another trainer came up to me and said i dont look to good.. probably pushed it a bit to hard today considering i have had about two weeks off, but i stuck to the form rule and felt strong throughout.. BEAST!

work in 5oopm
20minutes chi cultivation
20minutes vipassana meditation

540am med boiled egg (the perfect egg = bring water to boil, then put eggs in, let boil for 5-6min, then turn off heat and let eggs sit for another 4-5min, then cold shower) your eggs will be perfect everytime and you will not destroy the yummy yella.
900am steak/coconut milk/mixed greens
1100 couple gulps of raw cream
100pm same as 9am
300pm bacon
600pm pork chops zuchinni(sp?)

jator 5/ shadow ZILCH ; )

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

day qua

had this beautiful day off.. studied all day.. worked in.. was supposed to play hockey today, but when i got to the rink, i realized that i had left my equipment in the garage.. damn.. so a work in day it was. tomorrow is a work out day, and like the Jodeci song says.. "ya got me fienin!" cant wait to hit it hard.. JP has giving me a lot of much needed rest but i am craving tomorrow!

went to sleep last night 1030pm
woke this morning at 800am SWEET!

Food for day qua
9:00am chicken soup with broth/carrots/celery/onions
1100am snacked on the above meal
200pm cooked up some extra chicken thighs with soup and a nice chunk of raw cheese
500pm got some nice steaks to cook up in coconut milk, and mixed greens.. yum..

work in today
did a lil stability ball circuit to warm up a bit
squats standing on ball, hands on pull push ups, reverse hyper, stability ball lunge, and some crunches to neutral, got a bit flat in my thoracic spine ; )
chi cultivation 20minutes zones 5minutes and pre/developmental stretches
i will do some vipassana meditation before bed tonight.. 20 mins

started pps program, read the guide to healing and started to think about answers to self assessment questions.. beautiful day.. BEAUTIFUL.

i thank my young 8yr old soul for coming back to me today.. he brought me the gift of play and vibrance.. he will stay with me as long as i continue on this path of healing..

jator 4/ shadow 0

Monday, December 21, 2009

Day trey

ahh.. end of day trey.. today was a almost a close loss to shadow-self. i rushed out of the house at 550am and totally forgot my breakfast and lunch.. Shadow-self woke up real quick... REAL QUICK! he said "jah, lets get some coffee, and cafe gratitude for breakfast, throw in an I AM MIGHTY and I AM GRACE.. and well be good to go.. but i held strong.. went into work empty.. for two hours.. then to whole foods, picked up some salmon and avocado.. yum.. shadow-self cant F with me!

to bed last night 830pm
up this morning 520am

work-in 1 hour 7-8pm pre-exercise stretch/developmental stretch, zone exercise for zones 3,6,7.. chi cultivation 20mins.. will try to get in some vipassana meditation before bed.. WATCHING KUNG FU PANDA TONIGHT! GREAT FLICK..

915am salmon/avocado
12pm salmon
315pm salmon/ avocado/ raw cheese
530pm pork chop/raw cheese/ red cabbage.

my eight year old self talked back to me today.. he told me thank you for recognizing him.. and for loving him.. for releasing him from the pain and turmoil that has brewed in him for years.. for releasing his guilt.. he is loved and knows it now.

jator 3/ shadow self 0


Sunday, December 20, 2009


to bed last night 12am
wake this morning 730am

today was sunday, my favorite day, the energy of sunday feels very relaxing to me. today was my work-in day
small snack before hike of raw butter and beef broth.. a bite of each ; )

work-in 8am went for a hike in Wild Cat Canyon Park, to spend time in nature and say hello to all the spirits and energy around me.. plants, animals, earth, trees.. during hike i did about 20 minutes of chi-cultivation completing my 7th day of my gong, directly after my chi i spoke with 8year old and 14year old jator helping to heal old wounds and walls. on my way out of the canyon i ran into a pasture raised cow and her calf, the calf was milking, the site was beautiful and very reflective of true nature.

before bed tonight at 8pm i will do about 1/2 hour of zone exercises focusing on zone 3,6,7, will also complete my stretches pre-exercise and developmental. today also marks the 7th day straight of doing all stretches which is a record for me.

TODAY WAS A VERY VERY BIG DAY.. i signed up for the pps success program through ppssuccess.com, 18month program designed to push me to the next level.. very excited. day 1 starts tomorrow.

food for today is as follows (all meals today included raw butter and beef bone broth)
745am bite of beef broth and raw butter pre hike
1015am 2 chicken sausage/2eggs
100pm 2 chicken sausage/2 eggs
400pm pork chops/ red cabbage satay in coconut oil with garlic/himalayan salt/cayanne

my energy and clarity is feeling fantastic which is a bit surprising for me because i have cut out fruit and thought that would effect my energy level..
JATOR 2/ shadow-self 0

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Day 1

alright.. day one down.. up late tonight because had a lot going on today. went to lunch with Billy and Mike owners of DIAKADI body, good times and much talk about the future and the HLC facility Tara and I are planning IN THE CITY! Then to hang out with Megan my good friend and mentor.. and finally to chill with my boy.. so here goes my first day stats.

time went to bed last night 840pm
time woke up this morning 630am

workout today at 700am as follows
pre exercise corrective stetch

integrated cable push 15reps 101tempo 1minrest 3sets 65lbs
Bent over row 15 203 3 85

1 1/2 sb lunge 10 med 1.5rest 4 bw

front squat 1/2 rom 10 med 1min 3 115
sb push/jack w/twist 16 fast 3 bw

sb crunch 20 212 1min 2 bw

post exercise developmental stretch

ummmmm yeah.. legs will be toast tomorrow!

food as follows
2 pastured med boiled eggs w/ raw butter and celtic salt

3 egg omelete/mushrooms/red peppers and hot sauce/ chicken sausage/ salad w/ avocado/ grapefruit

1 kombucha

raw cream and coffee.. yum.. once in a while treat ; )

chicken and beef satay w/ avocado salad..

10 minutes of chi cultivation and 10 minutes doing zone exercises specifically for zones 3 6 7

now sleep, cuz its way past my bedtime. SCORE= JATOR 1 / shadow-self 0

Friday, December 18, 2009


the 19th will be day one. each day i will give details as to my food, work "in"/work out, sleep, weight, feelings, and progress. will post a weekly picture to track progress as well.