I am healing myself of past pains, to create the ability to be here and now. I will collect my soul from past trauma and incorporate back into one whole being. I will continue to love, live, explore, create, and play this year. I will continue to consciously evolve. I WILL CONTINUE TO PLAY, PLAY, PLAY, PLAY AND I HAVE FREED MY MIND TO BECOME THE SNAIL HUNTER AGAIN, AND IT IS NOT YET 6/23/15


"MY MANY TEACHERS OF LIFE" LOVE AND GRATITUDE TOWARDS EACH OF YOU = Sonja, Nestor, Paul Chek, Vidya, Megan, Karen, JP Sears, Weston A. Price, Osho, SN Goenka, Rumi, Rudolf Steiner, Grandmaster Fu Wei Zhong, Buddha, Fong Ha and the Universal Chi/Wuji. THE NEWLY RECOGNIZED TEACHER =

ALL. I interact with so many on a daily basis and each interaction presents the moment for self-observation. The gift of observing my projections, judgments, fear, shame, guilt, anger, triggers, and the gift to truly see what it is about myself that I hide in "others". I am eternally grateful to be soul experiencing humanness

I am eternally grateful to the Universe, Mother Earth, and Source. I am eternally grateful for every single moment and every single experience in each moment. I continue to step on my path. Unconditional LOVe to all sentient beings seen and unseen heard and unheard.


All nourishment = Organic/Bio-dynamic/Pasture Raised. Continual Rotation Diet based on dynamic metabolic typing and listening to my soul. Supplements = Standard Process (muscle tested every 3-4 weeks by Kanako Kobayashi NC (contact@feedingwellness.com) for a continually deeper protocol to help me balance physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. Highvitamen butter oil/fermented cod liver oil www.greenpastures.com Gut health pre/pro-biotics www.interplexus.com Systemic enzymes http://www.worldnutrition.info/vitalzym (which metabolize scar tissue) and I usually do deep cleanse once a year www.allnaturalcleanse.com = 60 day parasite/detox

Friday, February 17, 2012

NO MATTER WHAT!!!  I would ask myself, "Is it a possibility that somehow this event serves my stories (emotional needs?)  I would guess that until I re-intergrate all the "seperated" parts of my ego "un-healed in my perception" that I will continue to manifest what I think I DO NOT WANT, but what unconscious to my present consciousness DOES WANT..   is that a possibility?  in this moment i think so..

"we do not know our own best interests"  Our egos have many wants desires etc..  but Source Spirit has already written the story and every single event is placed in our lives as experience and growth no matter how much it goes against the WILL and DESIRE of our ego.

I always ask why am I triggered..  lets be clear triggered does not mean mad..  it can mean mad, sad, jealous, envious, angry, shame, fear, guilt, any feeling that does not create levity in you would be a trigger, and be careful of tricking yourself into feeling levity and denying underlying truths of yourself..

Infinite...  is much greater than we think... 

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Teaching health is very easy when YOU are the lesson.
                                                                                            -Paul Chek

Saturday, February 11, 2012

consciousness is infinitely layered.  once i think i have a grasp on my own consciousness, another layer appears..

 infinity is much larger than i thought...

silly ego..  silly shadow..  silly me.. silly spirit...  playing games

ah the journey continues..  

Monday, February 6, 2012

WE HLC Essentials
Thoughts | Self Love
Your thoughts will have a profound effect on every aspect of your life.  This includes your health, your emotional state, your life path, and your ability to succeed.  Most people think about what they don’t want the majority of the time therefore drawing the very thing they don’t want towards them.  It would also serve us well to look into what our unconscious thoughts are and how they are creating our current reality.  It is easy to have a daily mantra of positivity, but if the unconscious records that play in your sub-conscious are opposed to your conscious thoughts of positivity then your manifestations will continue to be created by the unconscious.  Shakespeare said ‘There is nothing either good or bad but thinking makes it so’.
Being clear on what you want and need creates a solid path to your dreams. Taking the time each week to write out four key goals and their associated action steps will enable you to start living for you. If you are not living for your goals, you are living for someone else’s.
The Grand Canyon test and the coin test always serve me well
Grand Canyon test = Speak out to the Grand Canyon your current goal “I want to be healthier” for example, what echoes back?  “I WANT to be healthier” try stating your goals or dreams in the affirmative “I want to be healthier” would become “I AM healthier” what echoes back “I AM healthier”.  This is a much more powerful way of affirming your change and new path.
Coin Test = every thought we have has a shadow (tails) or light (heads) side.  When you pay attention to your thoughts you can always take out your coin and look at both sides.  If you goal is to be healthier and you have the thought “I am not doing enough to create health in my life” take out your coin and look at the other side “I am doing enough to create health in my life”, then ask yourself which thought better serves you and will help you towards your goal of creating health?  I would choose “I am doing enough to create health in my life”, this can serve as a positive motivator to creating the needed change.  You can use the coin with every thought you have about any subject and you will be amazed to watch your thoughts and nero-pathways change.
Think Before You Buy
Before you invest money, time or energy into any choice, take a moment to think about what you’re supporting with this choice and does it fit in with your values and your health & fitness goals.  Are you supporting sustainable farmers, local producers, and mother earth?  Many choices we make are for short term fulfillment and over the long term take us further from what we really want. For example, buying takeout food maybe easier than purchasing good quality food and cooking yourself, but in the long run your body will suffer and it will slowly get harder to look and feel the way you would like.

Take Personal Responsibility
True health and fitness is everyone’s birthright and individual responsibility. Obtaining coaching from a Health and Fitness Professional is helpful, but ultimately optimal health and fitness comes from owning your own choices. This means researching and understanding any modifications you are going to make.  At WE Holistic Lifestyle Coaching we encourage critical thinking and want people to read up on any of the information that we offer.
Latest research on food, health, and healthcare
Paul Chek’s program for personal mastery
Self Love
We believe that each and every aspect of these principals boils down to taking the time out to truly learn to love you.  Self love is necessary to take conscious control of each and every decision you make.  Ask yourself, why do I make this choice?  Why do I react this way?  Why does this person trigger me?  Why do I eat more or less when I am stressed?  Why do I self sabotage my goals?  Taking the time to ask why, may give you the keys to change old habit patterns.  Asking why can soothe the ego and open up your right brain to give you an intuitive answer, learn to trust this voice that whispers to each of us.  To truly change we must find the roots of how, why, and what we perceived to create the current situation.  Self love is the key to all change.
Love Yourself
You will feel the most significant experience, you will become ecstatic if you can feel that the whole existence needs you, that you will be missed, that if you are not here there will be a gap, you will be missed.  You are not unnecessary, you are not superfluous; you have tremendous significance.  Hence love yourself.  You are needed as much as the trees, as the flowers, as the birds, as the sun, as the moon, as the stars.  You have to be here and you have a right to be the way you are.