I am healing myself of past pains, to create the ability to be here and now. I will collect my soul from past trauma and incorporate back into one whole being. I will continue to love, live, explore, create, and play this year. I will continue to consciously evolve. I WILL CONTINUE TO PLAY, PLAY, PLAY, PLAY AND I HAVE FREED MY MIND TO BECOME THE SNAIL HUNTER AGAIN, AND IT IS NOT YET 6/23/15


"MY MANY TEACHERS OF LIFE" LOVE AND GRATITUDE TOWARDS EACH OF YOU = Sonja, Nestor, Paul Chek, Vidya, Megan, Karen, JP Sears, Weston A. Price, Osho, SN Goenka, Rumi, Rudolf Steiner, Grandmaster Fu Wei Zhong, Buddha, Fong Ha and the Universal Chi/Wuji. THE NEWLY RECOGNIZED TEACHER =

ALL. I interact with so many on a daily basis and each interaction presents the moment for self-observation. The gift of observing my projections, judgments, fear, shame, guilt, anger, triggers, and the gift to truly see what it is about myself that I hide in "others". I am eternally grateful to be soul experiencing humanness

I am eternally grateful to the Universe, Mother Earth, and Source. I am eternally grateful for every single moment and every single experience in each moment. I continue to step on my path. Unconditional LOVe to all sentient beings seen and unseen heard and unheard.


All nourishment = Organic/Bio-dynamic/Pasture Raised. Continual Rotation Diet based on dynamic metabolic typing and listening to my soul. Supplements = Standard Process (muscle tested every 3-4 weeks by Kanako Kobayashi NC (contact@feedingwellness.com) for a continually deeper protocol to help me balance physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. Highvitamen butter oil/fermented cod liver oil www.greenpastures.com Gut health pre/pro-biotics www.interplexus.com Systemic enzymes http://www.worldnutrition.info/vitalzym (which metabolize scar tissue) and I usually do deep cleanse once a year www.allnaturalcleanse.com = 60 day parasite/detox

Friday, January 14, 2011


म०मेन्त   i observe self.. in observance of self i see how much thought occurs in "future" tense..  i also see and do not see how much thought occurs through the projections of the past.. the past for me is a bit trickier to grasp.  my psyche  likes to hide triggers from me... even though, i find them (triggers) daily hidden in others which i have projected onto them.  I project my own fear, guilt, shame, anger, and hide it from myself and project it onto others and believe it is them not me that causes these triggers.
 The past i have already completely "bought" into, in the sense of buying into my own stories of the past..  I am working on changing old perceptions daily. 
the future i am completely making up..  completely fiction.. come to think of it, i completely make up the past too!
On to the future we go!
 i find myself projecting into the future (less and less) but still a habit pattern of this monkey mind.  i have found a wonderful way of changing this pattern, at least for me, at least in this moment parts of me feel this way.  i find something in my life that i constantly project into future happenings, this is usually a more juicy item (something with a lot of emotional attachment), maybe something i have planned and really looking forward to..  as i observe this, i try to change my thinking almost as fast as the thought arises, and bring myself back to the now moment..  in doing this over and over i am changing the mind and its pathways and creating new ones..  less and less in the future more and more here now..  i will literally chant..  be here now..  be here now..  in doing this i release so much attachment to the future which in truth is completely a mystery...  there are infinite possibilities between now and then..  read that again..  literally infinite possibilities between now and then..  which means any thoughts that create emotions about future events are completely stories made up by yours truly!  even more interesting to me is that those stories about the future are made up based on my experiences of the past being projected into the future so i can make up a story about what "might" happen then i get my emotions going about a future event that has a very good possibility of not even happening!  So i am really projecting the past into the future and the present moment which is why i am never even here...  completely hypnotized... by the past and future that are all made up stories..  and if the past and future is all made up based on my perceptions which are not truths then i live in an illusion which i literally do..  that is the game of the ego..  i play new games now..  rewire....


  1. Nice reflection. Good writing.

    We are here, just not all the time. I hope to remember that mantra; I like it.

    Hmm. Lol. Funny.

  2. "...there are infinite possibilities between now and then...."
    "...there are infinite possibilities between now and then..."
    "...there are infinite possibilities between now and then...."

    simplest thought, nice! my new mantra
