I am healing myself of past pains, to create the ability to be here and now. I will collect my soul from past trauma and incorporate back into one whole being. I will continue to love, live, explore, create, and play this year. I will continue to consciously evolve. I WILL CONTINUE TO PLAY, PLAY, PLAY, PLAY AND I HAVE FREED MY MIND TO BECOME THE SNAIL HUNTER AGAIN, AND IT IS NOT YET 6/23/15


"MY MANY TEACHERS OF LIFE" LOVE AND GRATITUDE TOWARDS EACH OF YOU = Sonja, Nestor, Paul Chek, Vidya, Megan, Karen, JP Sears, Weston A. Price, Osho, SN Goenka, Rumi, Rudolf Steiner, Grandmaster Fu Wei Zhong, Buddha, Fong Ha and the Universal Chi/Wuji. THE NEWLY RECOGNIZED TEACHER =

ALL. I interact with so many on a daily basis and each interaction presents the moment for self-observation. The gift of observing my projections, judgments, fear, shame, guilt, anger, triggers, and the gift to truly see what it is about myself that I hide in "others". I am eternally grateful to be soul experiencing humanness

I am eternally grateful to the Universe, Mother Earth, and Source. I am eternally grateful for every single moment and every single experience in each moment. I continue to step on my path. Unconditional LOVe to all sentient beings seen and unseen heard and unheard.


All nourishment = Organic/Bio-dynamic/Pasture Raised. Continual Rotation Diet based on dynamic metabolic typing and listening to my soul. Supplements = Standard Process (muscle tested every 3-4 weeks by Kanako Kobayashi NC (contact@feedingwellness.com) for a continually deeper protocol to help me balance physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. Highvitamen butter oil/fermented cod liver oil www.greenpastures.com Gut health pre/pro-biotics www.interplexus.com Systemic enzymes http://www.worldnutrition.info/vitalzym (which metabolize scar tissue) and I usually do deep cleanse once a year www.allnaturalcleanse.com = 60 day parasite/detox

Saturday, June 9, 2012

it's not endlessly exploring your emotions that produces change but self-knowledge and awareness. Don't try to change your reactions today. It is enough to see them more clearly.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

A bio-dynamic farmers crop is not growing as "planned".  Harvest is coming.  The farmer is full of many fears - money, food, family, lots of future thinking.  The farmer thinks for an instant about using fertilizer to speed natures process, but that goes directly against all the farmer knows.  The farmer knows that if he uses chemical fertilizer his crop may come as "planned" but his crop will not be bio-dynamic and his crop will not be as nutrient rich or as "happy".  The farmer decides to trust Great Spirit.  This crop never comes to harvest.  The farmer loses money etc...  The farmer has "hard times", but the farmer learns much from this experience, and through this experience his family becomes much closer and stronger.   They make it through the hard times and the next harvest is "unexpectedly" perfect AGAIN. 

Apply this scenario to RELATIONSHIPS
We are bio-dynamic farmers, we have ego "plans" that do not always turn out the way we expect.  We think..  but harvest is coming! Fears arise, anxiety settles in and we get lost in the future rather than being present in this moment.  We may think of pressuring others to get what we want (chemical fertilizer) but on the conscious path we know that if we pressure others to meet our wants we may end up with very resentful relationships (nutrient empty, unhappy crops).  We may not get what the "i" wants and this may be perceived as "hard times", but we will always get exactly what the "i" needs in terms of lessons and experience.  We can then turn the "hard time" perceived by the "i" into periods of great personal evolution.  Every moment is perfect and full of LOVe "i" just "need" to change my perception.