Nutrition | Digestion
Nutrition | Digestion
Eating whole fresh food from a sustainable organic source will give you
the energy needed to create change in your life. Healthy soil creates
healthy plants, healthy plants feed and create healthy animals, healthy
happy animals feed and create healthy, happy, human beings. A critical
step towards health is getting to know where and who your food comes
from. Do your best to seek out small local farmers and talk to them
about their farming practices. If you do not have access to local
sustainable sources look for the freshest organic sources you can find.
The term “organic” has been bought and paid for; it no longer
guarantees a pure, healthy source for food. Large scale agriculture can
now produce food to be sold as “organic”.
These farms are using organic pesticides and fertilizer which is a
better choice than conventional but you will still be ingesting a large
number of chemicals and the food will not be as vital because of the
dead soil. Nature loves diversity! Seek out farmers that use a
polyculture system (meaning more than 1 crop); farmers that rotate their
crops, compost and rotational graze for meat production are raising
soil that is full of health, which produces healthier plants and
animals. The vitamin, mineral and enzyme content are higher in truly
organic or biodynamic food and these substances each play extremely
important roles in creating a healthy body. Prepare food for increased
or maintained nutrition, and easier digestion. Healthy cooking is a
science within itself, we recommend taking a few cooking classes on how
to cook, prepare, and organize healthy food for yourself and your
family. Much of the nutritional work that is published advocates higher
carbohydrate consumption than WE (unless your metabolic type is
carbohydrate or higher carbohydrate mixed).
It is important to note that not all calories are created equal, Healthy
fat from pasture raised animals function much differently in the body
than a conventional animal. All mammals store excess toxins in their
fat. When you eat conventional animals and their fat you are getting a
significant dose of toxins that you will not receive with a pasture
raised animal. Every meal should consist of high quality fat,
carbohydrate, and protein in the right proportions for your dynamic
metabolic type.
Your health is only as good as your digestive system. If your digestive
system is sub-optimal you will not utilize and convert all this good
food into a new healthy body. Healing your gut takes time and patience.
Being mindful of slowing your eating down (trying to chew each bite
50x), not watching the news or stressful media while eating, avoiding
foods that you are intolerant or allergic to, and whenever possible
start your meals with raw or fermented foods.
Eating every 3-4 hours gives your digestive system a much needed rest
between meals. If you wait longer than this to eat, your body will move
into a sympathetic state, meaning it will store fat and bring sugar
levels up by breaking down lean mass. Mild hunger is a sign that you
are creating an opportunity to use your own body fat as energy but
drowsiness is a sign that have moved into a sympathetic state. After
each meal you should feel a normal state of well being, good mental
focus, no cravings, optimal response to exercise, and clarity of
Prepare food for increased or maintained nutrition
When preparing food to eat we encourage raw or slow cooking. The real
nutrition within animal products such as fat-soluble vitamins, enzymes
and omega 3 fatty acids can all be denatured with higher temperatures.
80 degrees is usually best for slow cooking. Invest in a ceramic crock
pot, put food in the oven before you leave to work and let your food
cook for the day, when you return home you will have a healthy meal
waiting for you. If you cannot slow cook your food daily, it is fine to
use a lower temperature to cook your foods when you return home, just
remember slower is better. A very easy way to always have nutritious
food available is to cook a large dinner and use the leftovers for the
next day’s breakfast and lunch.
Raw food, especially raw animal products have been given a bad
reputation and rightly so when you study the poor farming methods
utilized by most farmers. Poor farming methods leave the finished animal
product in a sub healthy state, which is more prone to unhealthy
Some food will not release nutrition or block the absorption of
nutrition if not prepared correctly such as nuts, seeds, grains,
cruciferous vegetables. Having these foods raw can play havoc on your
digestive system.
We recommend the following for quality cookware (Ceramic, Ceramic coated Iron, Titanium)
A full-spectrum nutritional cookbook with a startling message–animal
fats and cholesterol are vital factors in the human diet, necessary for
reproduction and normal growth, proper function of the brain and nervous
system, protection from disease and optimum energy levels. Includes
information on how to prepare grains, health benefits of bone broths and
enzyme-rich lacto-fermented foods.
Raw & Fermented Foods
The focus on raw or slow cooked eggs, meat, fat, dairy, lacto-fermented
foods is very important to the health of your body and your digestive
system. These foods will have a higher enzyme content, which will
increase the absorption rate of amino acids, fatty acids, minerals, and
vitamins. In our experience most clients walk through our doors with a
digestive system that is not fully functional because of processed
foods, stress, and improperly prepared foods. Taking your time to eat
raw and fermented foods as well as bone broths will help heal your gut,
and help create a higher level of health and wellness within. If you
find yourself short on time to create dishes like these a fantastic food
co-op that prepares many great healing dishes is Three Stone Hearth.
Vitamin D
A great way to optimize Vitamin D levels is through safe, smart and limited sunscreen-free exposure to the sun.
Here is a general rule:
Older people need more sun exposure than younger people, larger people
more than smaller people, northern people more than southern people,
dark skinned more than light skinned, winter people more than summer
people and sun phobics more than sun worshippers.
Get 15-30 minutes of unprotected sun exposure 2-4 times per week. After
that, use sunscreen. Once the sunscreen is on, you cannot manufacture
Vitamin D. Always avoid sunburn.
The synthesis of Vitamin D comes from the fatty acid secretions in the
skin. Avoid washing the skin with soap for up to 48hrs after getting
sun, as this will wash away the vitamin D before it enters the
The richest nutritional source of Vitamin D can be found in fermented
Cod Liver Oil. We recommend Green Pasture because of the high source
quality and minimal processing of their products. http://www. index.cfm
WE Cleanse Seasonally
You will generally reach your set point level of body fat just by living
our principals. Once this becomes your lifestyle, if you are not happy
with your body fat or you want to gain muscle we can make intelligent
choices on how to reach these goals. Slow consistent loss of body fat
is important because you will need to detoxify the stored toxicity in
your fat as you burn through the stored energy. This is why we advise a
seasonal cleanse for the last two weeks of every season. This cleanse
will help your detoxification systems to run optimally for the next
phase of your training.
WE cleanse follows the principals above, removing the following:
All grains, seeds, legumes (nuts ok, except peanuts)
Caffeinated beverages
Alcohol and drugs
All root vegetables except carrot and ginger
All fruits except berries, green apples, grapefruit, lemon, lime, avocado, and tomato
All grains, seeds, legumes (nuts ok, except peanuts)
Caffeinated beverages
Alcohol and drugs
All root vegetables except carrot and ginger
All fruits except berries, green apples, grapefruit, lemon, lime, avocado, and tomato
In addition to the above we recommend consulting with Kanako Kobayashi
Nutrition Consultant who can suggest specific supplemental protocols for
detoxification and overall health.
Here is a list of foods that we promote and their optimal preparation.
Pastured Beef
Raw – cured in Lemon Juice
Slow cooked 80 degrees > 4hrs
Seared in white hot stainless or cast iron pan 1min max (inside bloody)
Pastured Lamb
Slow cooked 80 degrees > 4hrs
Seared in white hot stainless or cast iron pan 1min max (inside bloody)
Pastured Pork & Chicken
Slow cooked 90 degrees > 4hrs
Sustainable Seafood
Raw – cured in Lemon Juice
Slow cooked 80 degrees > 4hrs
Seared in white hot stainless pan inside raw
Salad Greens, Fresh Herbs
Carrots & Beets
Green Apples, Berries, Grapefruit, Avocado, Lemons & limes
Zucchini, Pumpkin, Spinach, Sweet Potatoes
Slow cooked less than 100 degrees
Lightly steamed or sautéed in high quality fat (coconut oil, butter, ghee)
Cruciferous Vegetable family
Slow cooked less than 100 degrees
Lightly steamed or sautéed in high quality fat (coconut oil, butter, ghee)
Nuts, seeds, legumes & grains
Soaked, sprouted, fermented
Pastured Beef
Raw – cured in Lemon Juice
Slow cooked 80 degrees > 4hrs
Seared in white hot stainless or cast iron pan 1min max (inside bloody)
Pastured Lamb
Slow cooked 80 degrees > 4hrs
Seared in white hot stainless or cast iron pan 1min max (inside bloody)
Pastured Pork & Chicken
Slow cooked 90 degrees > 4hrs
Sustainable Seafood
Raw – cured in Lemon Juice
Slow cooked 80 degrees > 4hrs
Seared in white hot stainless pan inside raw
Salad Greens, Fresh Herbs
Carrots & Beets
Green Apples, Berries, Grapefruit, Avocado, Lemons & limes
Zucchini, Pumpkin, Spinach, Sweet Potatoes
Slow cooked less than 100 degrees
Lightly steamed or sautéed in high quality fat (coconut oil, butter, ghee)
Cruciferous Vegetable family
Slow cooked less than 100 degrees
Lightly steamed or sautéed in high quality fat (coconut oil, butter, ghee)
Nuts, seeds, legumes & grains
Soaked, sprouted, fermented