I am healing myself of past pains, to create the ability to be here and now. I will collect my soul from past trauma and incorporate back into one whole being. I will continue to love, live, explore, create, and play this year. I will continue to consciously evolve. I WILL CONTINUE TO PLAY, PLAY, PLAY, PLAY AND I HAVE FREED MY MIND TO BECOME THE SNAIL HUNTER AGAIN, AND IT IS NOT YET 6/23/15


"MY MANY TEACHERS OF LIFE" LOVE AND GRATITUDE TOWARDS EACH OF YOU = Sonja, Nestor, Paul Chek, Vidya, Megan, Karen, JP Sears, Weston A. Price, Osho, SN Goenka, Rumi, Rudolf Steiner, Grandmaster Fu Wei Zhong, Buddha, Fong Ha and the Universal Chi/Wuji. THE NEWLY RECOGNIZED TEACHER =

ALL. I interact with so many on a daily basis and each interaction presents the moment for self-observation. The gift of observing my projections, judgments, fear, shame, guilt, anger, triggers, and the gift to truly see what it is about myself that I hide in "others". I am eternally grateful to be soul experiencing humanness

I am eternally grateful to the Universe, Mother Earth, and Source. I am eternally grateful for every single moment and every single experience in each moment. I continue to step on my path. Unconditional LOVe to all sentient beings seen and unseen heard and unheard.


All nourishment = Organic/Bio-dynamic/Pasture Raised. Continual Rotation Diet based on dynamic metabolic typing and listening to my soul. Supplements = Standard Process (muscle tested every 3-4 weeks by Kanako Kobayashi NC (contact@feedingwellness.com) for a continually deeper protocol to help me balance physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. Highvitamen butter oil/fermented cod liver oil www.greenpastures.com Gut health pre/pro-biotics www.interplexus.com Systemic enzymes http://www.worldnutrition.info/vitalzym (which metabolize scar tissue) and I usually do deep cleanse once a year www.allnaturalcleanse.com = 60 day parasite/detox

Monday, May 16, 2011

What the hell is the Charka system anyway?
That is a pretty good question and I’m glad you asked.  Again, as always I can only share my experience and what feels true to me.  This does not mean it is right or wrong, it is purely my experience.  As I journey into the depths of who I think I am, I have found that “truth” is merely our perception of any given subject.  You can quote all the research in the world, from the top people in any given field but if my experience is different than the research than I will always trust in my innate wisdom over research, and other’s ideas.  One of my favorite words is “Pono” = Effectiveness is the measurement of TRUTH.  With that being said, I will share what the Chakra system is to me.
I believe through my experience that we are much more than the physical body we see in the mirror.  We have many bodies on much more subtle levels, these being the emotional body, the mental body, and the spiritual body.  I believe the P.E.M.S bodies are only the beginning but these are the only realities I can recall experiencing.
The Charka system literally interprets our emotional, mental, and spiritual realities.  Our consciousness is not within us, it is outside of us, and whatever we have experienced in life gets filtered by the charka system and then is projected into our physical reality.  The body is only a bio-feedback mechanism to bring our awareness to what is actually going on in our consciousness.   Think of any auto-immune disease, could this disease just be the body bringing our awareness to parts of our ego that is full of self hatred?  In turn the body turns against itself to bring our awareness to this self hatred in hopes that we will hear its message and heal the roots within our consciousness to bring about true health and wellness?  Hmmmmmm…  I say it is a possibility, I also say I could be quite delusional, either way I find it interesting. 
Here is another way to understand the Chakra system.  Think of the Chakra system as a satellite TV dish on your house which receives your emotional, mental, and spiritual states.  The dish (chakras) interprets this subtle energy and projects this energy into a descrambler (your glandular and plexus systems), these systems then funnel this energy into your TV (what you see and experience), what you see and experience is recorded by your DVD player (organ system), this goes on most of our lives until we each realize that we hold the channel changer in our hand, and can choose to watch any channel available.  With this knowledge we can change our reality and heal ourselves through our perceptions.
My only question to myself is, do I want to continue to watch the same channel the rest of my life unconsciously or do I want to consciously create my reality?  The choice is truly yours.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

i step without stepping.  i walk without walking.  i see without eyes.  i walk the pathless path without leaving a foot print.  i close my eyes and trust.  i open my heart and trust.  i come from heart first.  i am unlearning all that has been learned.  i am becoming free and simple.  i am open and closed.  i am becoming free as death although i am alive.